
How To Increase Your Company’s LinkedIn Presence

Yesterday, our Multimedia Marketing Specialist, Connor Smithee, joined the MEDC and LinkedIn staff for a webinar to learn more about how businesses can optimize their LinkedIn presence. Here are some takeaways from that webinar.

A large presence in Michigan:

Over 4.2 million LinkedIn users are located in Michigan, where there are over 157k companies and 31k schools. Your primary audience is probably using LinkedIn to search for jobs and view content that’s important to them. Publishing frequent content on LinkedIn is a great way to capture this platform’s audience.

Proper Page Setup Yields Success

Making sure your page is set up correctly will get the most traffic. Does your page have the following:

  • Logo
  • Description
  • Website URL
  • Industry
  • Company Size
  • Location

If you have these items properly filled out, your page will increase traffic by up to 30% and look more complete and professional. Make sure to add a cover photo of something meaningful to your organization. For us, it’s the Grand Rapids skyline because it represents our community. If you’re a manufacturing company, it might be your production line. Having a complete account will help your organization stand out and get more traffic.

What should I share? How often?

Companies that share content weekly get 7x the traffic as those that post monthly, and those that post daily get 8x the traffic as those that share weekly. Posting daily will yield the best traffic and brand awareness. This often leads to questions of what to should share. Here are a few ideas for easy content to share:

  • Customer reviews & testimonials
  • Employee shoutouts and highlights
  • Use the poll feature to highlight audience opinions and thoughts
  • Company updates or success stories
  • Community involvement stories
  • News highlights or content that positions your company as a subject matter expert

LinkedIn reported that videos see 6x engagement as other post types, especially less produced “raw” videos. Think of behind-the-scenes videos. Show what your executives are doing from day to day, tour your office, etc.

Everyone has a part to play

One of the best to increase traffic on your page is to utilize your team. LinkedIn staff encouraged organizations to have their executive teams post frequently about their work and tag their employer, driving their audience to the company page. They also recommended using LinkedIn’s free invite credits. Each month, page admins are given 250 invite credits to invite their personal connections to the page. Temporarily making trusted team members admins so they can invite their audience could allow you to send invites to 3000 people annually.

What strategies are you using for your LinkedIn page? What has yielded success for your organization? Let us know in the comments.


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