Diverse Business Enterprise Certifications

Diverse Business Enterprise Certifications

The Grand Rapids Chamber’s Diverse Business Enterprise (DBE) certification program recognizes minority, veteran, women, tribal, disability and LGBTQIA+ owned businesses. Certifications are provided to increase transparency and to create opportunities for procurement with supplier diversity programs with the area’s largest companies.

The certification of diverse-owned businesses gives West Michigan organizations a competitive advantage when working with the greater business community without additional barriers such as pending citizenship status or access to capital. The process will be the first step to other certifications outside of our jurisdictions.

Having the support and approval of the Grand Rapids Chamber will give these businesses a competitive edge when bidding for contracts with local companies.

*A minority business enterprise is one owned or controlled by a recognized minority group, such as Asian-Indian, Asian-Pacific, Black, Hispanic, or Native American. 

What Members Say

Monica Mendez

Director of Talent and Leadership Programs

Leadership can be a lonely space. The higher you go, the lonelier it gets. Who you trust, how you communicate, and how you show up, as you and for others, in the workplace, is greatly impacted as you grow in your leadership. Leadership Transformed helped me to clearly understand my vision and to fully differentiate my purpose from my passion.  This program nails the true meaning of authentic leadership.