In March of 2023, Michigan expanded the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act to include protections for gender identity and expression. How does this historic amendment affect business owners, employees, clients, and companywide policies and practices? And what new opportunities do these protections create?
Join OutPro as we facilitate a discussion about how the amendment creates new opportunities for fostering belonging, civility, and inclusivity. Subject matter experts from the legal, housing, and healthcare sectors will share what the changes to the law mean for businesses, employees, and clients. You’ll also get the chance to ask questions, network, and learn alongside others.
As a bonus, enjoy light bites from LGBTQIA+ certified business, 3 Gatos Brewery, and mocktails from LGBTQIA+ bar, General Wood Shop.
Free parking is provided at GRPS University.
Interested in sponsoring OutPro in 2023? Please contact Yadira Garza-Malone to learn more.