
‘Stay Home, Stay Safe’ is Lifted – June 8 is a Big Day

Governor Whitmer has lifted the “Stay Home, Stay Safe” order. Michigan is moving to Phase Four of the Michigan Safe Start Plan. What does that mean?

As our state enters Phase 4, it means that COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations are clearly declining. Staying home remains the safest option, but the state is gradually resuming many in-person work and activities as long as social distancing measures continue.

Stay Home Order Lifted, Some Business Remains Closed or Restricted

There’s been a flurry of activity, but here are the basics:

  • Michiganders no longer have to stay home, the order is lifted. We are gradually resuming in-person work and activities with proper social distancing.
  • Certain businesses will remain closed and activities that present a higher likelihood of spreading infection will remain prohibited until further notice.
  • Retailers are allowed to reopen and resume operations on Thursday, June 4.

June 8 Is a Big Day for Reopening Plan – With Social Distancing in Place

Many other businesses and activities are allowed to reopen on Monday, June 8, but will be subject to safety guidelines to mitigate the risk of infection. These include:

  • Restaurants and bars, but with 50% capacity restrictions. Individuals may remove masks or face coverings to eat or drink once seated at a restaurant or bar.
  • Outdoor gatherings of 100 or less are permitted as long as people maintain six feet of distance from one another.
  • Indoor gatherings of people not of the same household are allowed, but remain restricted to 10 or fewer.
  • Children’s day camps, libraries, museums, and swimming pools may reopen.
  • Outdoor fitness classes, athletic practices, sports can resume.

Social Distancing, Masks Usage, Remote Working Must Continue

  • The order may be lifted, but social distancing measures including maintaining 6 feet of separation must continue.
  • Masks should be worn – by employees and customers – in enclosed public spaces.
  • Despite the fact offices can reopen, any work that can be performed remotely should continue.

While much of normal operations are commencing, businesses that involve close contact and where the risk of infection is higher, remain closed. This includes:

  • Indoor theaters
  • Performance venues
  • Indoor gyms, sports facilities, recreation centers etc.
  • Salons, tattoo/piercing shops, any personal care requiring personal contact
  • Casinos, racetracks
  • Amusement parks, bingo halls, bowling, etc.

Small Business Personal Protection Equipment Available!

As part of its public-health function, Kent County is making every effort to assist small business by providing PPE. The program is limited to businesses in Kent County that have 100 or fewer employees. Click here to apply.

For more information, you can find the Governor’s full Executive Order from Monday, June 1 here.


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