
Your August 6 Primary Election Guide

The primary election is coming up on Tuesday, August 6, and the Grand Rapids Chamber has endorsed several candidates and proposals on the ticket. Learn more about the election and how to submit your votes below!


Endorsed Candidates

The Friends of West Michigan Business, the Grand Rapids Chamber Political Action Committee (PAC), announced its candidate endorsements before the August 6 primary.

Endorsement decisions consider the candidate’s alignment with Chamber policy priorities and values, evaluating candidate responses to a questionnaire, and requires a two-thirds consensus of PAC Board members. The Chamber PAC is not funded by member dues, but through personal contributions from regional business leaders.

“Strong elected leadership is essential to our future competitiveness,” said Chamber President & CEO Rick Baker. “The Chamber PAC supports candidates who understand the issues impacting West Michigan business and will advocate for policies that support vibrancy, economic growth and a high-quality of life.” 

“We encourage everyone to get out and vote on, or before, August 6,” concluded Baker.


City of Grand Rapids 

Mayor: David LaGrand 
Ward 1: Dean Pacific 
Ward 2:  Milinda Ysasi  
Ward 3:  John Krajewski


Kent County

Kent County Clerk: Lisa Posthumus Lyons
Kent County Drain Commissioner: Ken Yonker
Kent County Prosecutor: Chris Becker
Kent County Sheriff: Michelle Lajoye-Young
Kent County Treasurer: Peter MacGregor


Kent County Commission 

District 1: Ben Greene
District 2: Elizabeth Morse
District 3: Jennifer Merchant
District 5: Dave Hildenbrand
District 6: Stan Stek
District 8: Dan Burrill
District 10: Robin Halsted
District 11: Lindsay Thiel
District 12: Monica Sparks
District 13: Michelle McCloud
District 14: Carol Hennessy
District 16: Melissa LaGrand
District 17: Tony Baker
District 18: Steve Faber
District 19: Kris Pachla


Michigan House of Representatives 

House District 44: Steve Frisbie
House District 78: Gina Johnsen
House District 82: Kristian Grant
House District 83: Tommy Brann
House District 85: Bradley Slagh
House District 86: Nancy DeBoer
House District: 88: Greg VanWoerkom
House District 89: Luke Meerman
House District 90: Bryan Posthumus
House District 91: Pat Outman
House District 102: Curt VanderWall


US House of Representatives

US Congress District 2: John Moolenaar
US Congress District 3: (Primary only) Paul Hudson
US Congress District 4: Bill Huizenga


Endorsed Proposals

The Chamber has endorsed three questions on the August 6 ballot in Kent County.

The business community is supporting a YES vote on: Destination Kent/Kent County Sports and Entertainment Facilities Proposal, Kent District Library and the Ready by Five Early Childhood Millage. Read more on why the business community is supporting YES votes:


Destination Kent: Transformational Projects with a Tax You Don’t Pay!

The Destination Kent ballot proposal is an increase in the lodging excise tax to support the public financing component of the transformational projects.  

  • The proposal is an increase in the visitor tax applied on hotel/motel stays in Kent County.  
  • Nearly 90% of people who stay in these accommodations are from outside Kent County.  
  • There is a proven track record of leveraging the visitor tax to generate jobs and economic impact with assets like the Van Andel Arena and DeVos Place Convention Center.  

This is our opportunity to make an impact for future generations by funding the Amphitheater, Soccer Stadium and projects yet to come!  

Vote Yes for Visitor Funded Community Assets on August 6!  

Learn more here:


Kent District Library – One Year Millage

Last fall, the Chamber supported, and voters approved, a 15-year renewal at a lower millage rate for the for Kent District Library (KDL).

Unfortunately, the approved ballot language does not give KDL the authority to assess the new millage until December 2025; meaning 2025 does not currently have funding in place. This has created a funding gap for KDL that will be addressed by a one-year non-renewable millage. 

The August ballot question will be at the rate of 1.1 mills, the same as the 15-year renewal that was passed. It is estimated to generate $26.6 million over the year.

  • If residents vote “yes,” KDL will be able to continue operations during 2025.
  • If residents vote “no,” KDL will have to severely limit operations during 2025, likely closing branches, laying off team members and reducing programs and services.

All cities and townships in Kent County except for Grand Rapids, Cedar Springs, Sparta, and Sparta & Solon Townships are in the KDL service area.

Learn more here:


Ready by Five Early Childhood Millage

The Ready by Five Early Childhood Millage helps thousands of children in Kent County enter kindergarten healthy and ready to learn and succeed. This will renew the current millage of 0.25 mills for an additional 5 years.

  • The millage currently contributes approximately $7.7 million/year for programs that support the health, school readiness, and the well-being of children five and younger
  • Kent County provides many early childhood services and this millage helps to address critical gaps.
  • The Chamber supported the original millage in 2018, which led to Kent County being the first county in Michigan to specifically support early childhood programming with tax dollars.

Why it Matters: Research shows the earliest years of life are the most important for brain development and sets the foundation for future success. Early investment saves money long term and leads to a strong future for our community.

  • As a business community, we recognize how critical it is to have the supports in place for young children to be successful, as they are the workforce of tomorrow.

Learn more here:


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