Cambio de Leyes de Salario en Michigan

Salario Mínimo, Crédito de Propinas & Ausencia por Enfermedad Pagada: Cambios para los Empleadores

Después de una impactante decisión de la Corte Suprema del estado, habrá cambios dramáticos en el ámbito laboral que tendrán efecto el 21 de febrero de 2025, ya que la decisión reinstituye las leyes de salarios aprobadas en la elección, y rechaza aquellas tácticas de “adoptar y enmendar” usadas por la Legislatura como inconstitucionales.

Le invitamos a asistir a esta presentación llena de información que repasará la decisión en detalle, y explicará cómo afectará a los empleadores con estos asuntos, incluyendo el aumento dramático en los salarios mínimos en el estado, los cambios para quienes reciben ingreso en propinas, y los requisitos de ausencia por enfermedad pagada para empresas, sin importar el tamaño.

Esta presentación dará oportunidad para hacer preguntas y recibir mayor entendimiento de una de las decisiones más impactantes de la Corte Suprema de Michigan en nuestra historia reciente.


¿Quiénes deben asistir?

Invitamos a empleadores de los sectores público y privado, abogados internos de empresas, oficiales de cumplimiento, y proveedores de seguro comercial a esta presentación sin costo. Le animamos a extender esta invitación a sus colegas.

¿Cuándo? Viernes, 20 de septiembre
¿Hora? 8:30 a.m.  a 9:30 a.m.
¿Donde? Virtual Por Zoom

Do You Have Reliable Transportation to Get to Work? Check ✅

Think back to your first job. You’re filling out an application, and it asks, “Do you have reliable transportation?” For some, the answer to this question is more complicated than others. As an employer, a “no” is a red flag for absences or tardiness. FOX 17 News Station honed in on teen transportation issues and their ability to get to work as a part of their more extensive initiative, “A Path Forward.”

Together, FOX 17 worked with The Rapid and The Village 99 to complete an initiative to give teens with difficulty getting to work a free one-month bus pass.

They called it “A Rapid Path Forward.”

The campaign distributed 108 bus passes across 5 organizations supporting their youth workforce. By removing transportation barriers, these teens can earn wages and contribute to the economy, significantly impacting their personal growth and community engagement. This initiative is a testament to the positive impact we can have on our community when we work together.

The Rapid was excited to be a part of this initiative because it exposed young people to the bussing system.

Our public transportation system is infrastructure the six cities have invested in for years. Partnering with FOX 17 and Village 99 is a proud moment for us to help solve an access problem,” said Cassi Cooper, Engagement and Digital Specialist for The Rapid.  “[The Rapid] is an access company, whether it’s access to education, employment, healthcare, or the arts and cultural events our cities have to offer. Many community partners are working behind the scenes to support mobility within our region, and the results have been overwhelmingly positive.

The success of the initiative has prompted the Path Forward Advisory Committee to consider expanding the program. This potential expansion could offer bus passes to youth workers who would benefit from them after the school year begins, providing hope for further positive change.

Hear how access to transportation impacted one teen’s ability to get to work in this FOX 17 story


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Statewide Town Hall: Impact of Supreme Court’s Decision on Paid Leave and Minimum Wage

The Chamber invites you to join a Michigan Business town hall meeting on the recent Michigan Supreme Court ruling on minimum wage and paid sick time. 

Why it matters: We will discuss the decision, the effort to advance legislation addressing harmful components and how employers can help advocate for a fix. Topics from this event include:

  • Overview of the decision
  • Significant items and timeline 
  • Legislative update & strategy 
  • Advocacy next steps 
  • How your voice can help 

Background: The Michigan Supreme Court’s recent decision made a major change in Michigan’s labor laws, requiring employers to update change their policies and procedures. As businesses brace for higher labor costs and new challenges, we will work with legislators to lessen the impact and support a smoother transition for all affected industries. Members of the Michigan House and Senate must come together to pass practical and commonsense legislation to lessen the harm of the Supreme Court’s decision on paid leave and minimum wage. 

Join us Wednesday, August 28 from 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

Area Middle Schoolers Compete in First National Civics Bee® Hosted by Grand Rapids Chamber

The Grand Rapids Chamber proudly announces JaeEun Yun from Byron Center Christian School as the winner of the first 2024 National Civics Bee® hosted in West Michigan. This initiative aims to encourage more young Americans to engage in civics and contribute to their communities. The top three finalists received trophies and a ticket to the State Civics Bee:


The Winners:

1st Place: JaeEun Yun, Byron Center Christian School, $500 prize

2nd Place: Micah Sitte, Jenison Junior High, $250 prize

3rd Place: Jude Westra, East Grand Rapids Middle School, $150 prize


All participants went home with an iPad and certificate.

“It was really interesting to study and I learned a lot of new stuff,” said Yun. “It was a really great experience for me, and I think it’s good for students to participate in this.” Yun focused on education solutions and funding for private schools in his essay and discussion in the final round of the competition.

“You could tell they studied and worked really hard to identify an issue in their community, how it was connected to government, and what they could do to be a part of the solution,” said Grand Rapids Mayor Rosalynn Bliss. “I think they’re all potential future leaders.”

Organized in partnership with The Civic Trust® of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, the competition in Grand Rapids inspired middle schoolers to become better informed about American democracy, to engage respectfully and constructively in the community, and to build greater trust in others and institutions.  

“Advancing civic engagement and leadership is one way we can create a more prosperous West Michigan,” said Senior VP of Advocacy and Strategic Engagement Andy Johnston. “It was inspiring to see middle schoolers demonstrate their civics knowledge and ideas to create stronger communities.”


The Process:

Middle school students from the region were invited to submit a 500-word civics essay. The top writers went on to compete in the live quiz portion of the event to test their civics knowledge, which was judged by Grand Rapids Chamber CEO and President Rick Baker, Grand Rapids Mayor Rosalynn Bliss, and the Director of the GVSU Hauenstein Center Megan Rydecki.

Participating schools included:

  • Byron Center Christian School
  • Cross Creek Charter Academy
  • Dutton Christian School
  • East Grand Rapids Middle School
  • Jenison Junior High
  • Riley Street Middle School
  • Rockford Middle School
  • Trinitas Classical School

Passing the Torch: Leadership Lessons from Past, Present & Future Board Chairs

JEFF CONNOLLY, JEN CROWLEY & JAMES BYL are three names making business happen in West Michigan. From leading companies to inspiring professionals across the region, these leaders are spearheading initiatives at your Grand Rapids Chamber and are working tirelessly to support our business ecosystem.

Meet these three leaders below and hear leadership lessons from their experiences.




Jeff Connolly serves as the senior vice president and president of West Michigan & Upper Peninsula for Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan. He recently completed his term as 2022 board chair for the Grand Rapids Chamber and has continued to be deeply involved in the Chamber’s initiatives.

For over 17 years, Connolly has been active with the Grand Rapids Chamber, holding numerous positions on the board, committees and the foundation. In 2023, Connolly entered the “hall of fame” as a Chamber Champion for his dedicated service to the community.

Connolly has seen the organization ebb and flow over the years, but his favorite initiative was seeing the Grand Rapids Chamber Foundation step up during the pandemic.

“We’re continuing to evolve as a community, and the Chamber has evolved as well. We’ve had a foundation for many years, but through the Covid-19 pandemic, we were able to use the foundation to help distribute funds and support local businesses.”

Connolly also reflected on his board experience and how different leadership styles have shown up over the years. He has worked closely with the Chamber’s current board chair, Jen Crowley, as she transitioned into the role.

“Jen is part of a long legacy of not just good and respected leaders, but highly engaged leaders. There’s a delicate balance between being a strong leader and knowing when to let others step up. Jen’s energy as board chair has been electric, and I’m excited for what’s next.”




Jen Crowley serves as the co-owner and chief marketing officer for Highland Group and is nearing the end of her term as the Grand Rapids Chamber’s 2023 board chair.

During her time on the board, she served in roles related to budget and finance, public policy, governance, compensation and more. Additionally, Crowley has been involved with several councils and initiatives throughout the years, including serving as the Create Great Leaders council chair in 2015-16.

Now, nearing the end of her one-year term, she’s looking back on her experience and reflecting on the progress the Chamber has made under her leadership.

“This was a BIG year for growth – the new office space, the first full year of the Center for Economic Inclusion, expanding the Elliott- Larsen Civil Rights Act, advancing housing policy, welcoming new Americans, childcare advocacy and more. The Chamber is busy supporting the business community,” says Crowley.

While growth is a great thing, the 2023 board chair is even more focused on leaving a lasting impact for years to come.

“My hope is that in five or ten years, when we look back at the work that the Chamber is doing now, we will see that impact in the community. Are new Americans being welcomed? Have we made meaningful progress on housing affordability and accessibility? Are more people able to create wealth and opportunity through owning or running a business? I want to make a difference that lasts.”




James Byl serves as the owner and president of both Multi-Automatic Tool & Supply Company and Belding Tool & Machine, and will be taking the reins when his board term begins in January 2024.

Byl has been involved with the board for the past 6 years and has held roles on the Executive Board and the Political Action Committee at the Grand Rapids Chamber.

In his new role, Byl is looking forward to serving the community and helping to cultivate a vibrant downtown.

“There are so many great organizations to be involved with here in Grand Rapids, but for me, particularly as a business owner, the heart or essence of a city is its culture and vibrancy.”

Value-driven plans. More resources. Better business benefits.

“I believe the Grand Rapids Chamber is THE organization for helping businesses thrive.”

Byl is eager to get started in 2024 and hit the ground running, especially in a major election year.

“It’s going to be a really big year. I am looking forward to some good political endorsements, another great lineup of programs, and more progress in housing and the many things the Chamber is doing to elevate our city. Personally, I’m looking forward to getting to know all the Board members better, and also the various committee members.”

Latina Connect / Latinas en Conexión

Latina Connect meets our Latina business professionals and community members where they are. Presented in Spanish, this program works to support Latinas in making new connections and growing as leaders.

Latina Connect presenta programacion en español para Latinas profesionales y de negocios, así como miembros de la comunidad. Este programa se enfoca en ayudar a Latinas a hacer nuevas conexiones y a crecer como líderes.

Latina Connect / Latinas en Conexión

Embrace the Growth: Thriving Through Discomfort

In a world that constantly challenges us, learning to thrive amidst discomfort is an essential skill. This Latina Connect forum is designed to empower participants with strategies and insights to embrace discomfort as a catalyst for personal and professional growth. Through interactive exercises, reflective discussions, and practical strategies, attendees will learn how to reframe discomfort as a positive force in their lives.

Join us Wednesday, April 10 to hear from two visionaries behind Grand Rapids Opportunities for Women (GROW): Milinda Ysasi, CEO and Paola Mendivil, Business Development Officer and get equipped with the mindset and skills to not just survive, but thrive, in the face of discomfort.


Atrévete a Crecer: Retando Nuestra Comodidad Personal y Profesional

En un mundo que nos desafía constantemente, aprender a crecer en medio de la incomodidad es una habilidad esencial. Este foro de Latina Connect está diseñado para capacitar a participantes con estrategias para aceptar la incomodidad como un estimulador de nuestro crecimiento personal y profesional. A través de ejercicios interactivos, reflexiones y estrategias prácticas, aprenderemos a replantear el sentirse incomodos como una fuerza positiva en nuestras vidas.

Acompáñanos el miércoles 10 de abril para escuchar a dos visionarias detrás de Grand Rapids Opportunities for Women (GROW): Milinda Ysasi, directora ejecutiva, y Paola Mendivil, directora de desarrollo empresarial, y equípate con la mentalidad y las habilidades para no solo sobrevivir, sino también prosperar, ante el malestar.


This event will be presented in Spanglish with interpreter services available. / Este evento se presentará en Spanglish con servicios de interpretacion.

OutPro Forum: Best Practices for Employee Resource Groups

Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) can greatly enhance the engagement of your employees, create a sense of belonging, and drive key community outreach initiatives that exceed your diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) goals. Hear from a panel of leaders who will share best practices and how to create an ERG program that truly makes an impact on employees and your organization.

Whether you’re brand new to the concept of ERGs or if your organization has had them established for years, this discussion will provide insights for establishing a successful ERG initiative that will last, no matter your organization’s size or journey. The conversation will be relevant to anyone who has a vested interest in belonging, including DEI professionals, HR professionals, ERG leaders and participants, and individuals seeking to make an impact in their organization.

OutPro promotes a welcoming culture for LGBTQIA+ individuals in the West Michigan business community and offers opportunities for education and networking with an emphasis on policy impact, assisting businesses, and creating a more inclusive and welcoming work environment for LGBTQIA+ individuals.

All are welcome and encouraged to attend OutPro events. You do not need to identify as LGBTQIA+ to participate.

Diversity & Talent Webinar

The Diversity & Talent Series will address various talent needs of the West Michigan business community. The series will also focus on the different ways to attract and retain top talent and include best practices in DEI. Join us Tuesday, October 29 to hear from Angie Stewart, Regional Director for DEI at Trinity Health.

Cultivating Authenticity in the Workplace: Diversity & Talent Workshop (In-Person)

Join us for a second session of exploring the impact of “West Michigan nice” on our true selves at work. Whether you attended the first session or are joining us for the first time, this workshop will provide valuable insights and practical strategies for fostering authenticity in the workplace.

Engage in thought-provoking discussions and activities designed to help you move beyond surface-level politeness and embrace genuine interactions in your professional life. Join us Tuesday, August 27.