Chamber 101

Chamber 101 Header

Chamber 101: Maximize Your Membership

Chamber 101 is designed for members looking to begin, continue or further involvement with the Chamber. This program walks Grand Rapids professionals through everything there is to know about the Grand Rapids Chamber offerings and how to get involved in our vibrant business community.

Chamber Issues Forum

Grand Rapids Chamber's event Chamber Issues Forum

Chamber Issues Forum

Chamber Issues Forum events provide an opportunity for members to be part of the conversation around the most pressing topics impacting business in Michigan at the local, state and federal levels. These events provide members with unbiased, data-backed information and discussion to help make better decisions for organizations.

Chamber Issues Forum

Grand Rapids Chamber's event Chamber Issues Forum

Chamber Issues Forum

Chamber Issues Forum events provide an opportunity for members to be part of the conversation around the most pressing topics impacting business in Michigan at the local, state and federal levels. These events provide members with unbiased, data-backed information and discussion to help make better decisions for organizations.

Chamber Issues Forum: Housing

Grand Rapids Chamber's event Chamber Issues Forum

Chamber Issues Forum

Chamber Issues Forum events provide an opportunity for members to be part of the conversation around the most pressing topics impacting business in Michigan at the local, state and federal levels. These events provide members with unbiased, data-backed information and discussion to help make better decisions for organizations.

Latina Connect / Latinas en Conexión

Latina Connect Event Header - The Grand Rapids Chamber

Latina Connect: Prioritizing Self-Care as a Latina Business Owner

Latina Connect meets our Latina business professionals and community members where they are. Presented in Spanish, this program works to support Latinas in making new connections and growing as leaders.

Latinas en Conexión: Priorizando el Autocuidado como Propietaria de un Negocio Latina

Latina Connect presenta programacion en español para Latinas profesionales y de negocios, así como miembros de la comunidad. Este programa se enfoca en ayudar a Latinas a hacer nuevas conexiones y a crecer como líderes.

Latina Connect / Latinas en Conexión

Latina Connect Event Header - The Grand Rapids Chamber

Latina Connect: Prioritizing Self-Care as a Latina Business Owner

Latina Connect meets our Latina business professionals and community members where they are. Presented in Spanish, this program works to support Latinas in making new connections and growing as leaders.

Latinas en Conexión: Priorizando el Autocuidado como Propietaria de un Negocio Latina

Latina Connect presenta programacion en español para Latinas profesionales y de negocios, así como miembros de la comunidad. Este programa se enfoca en ayudar a Latinas a hacer nuevas conexiones y a crecer como líderes.

Business Growth Workshop

Grand Rapids Chambers event Business Growth Workshop

Business Growth Workshop

Business Growth Workshops support scaling businesses and share best practices by providing hands-on time with subject matter experts. Topics and speakers are curated to give business leaders access to experts and create a support system of businesses in similar stages.

Register today and be part of the conversation!

Business Growth Workshop | Tech Week Event

Grand Rapids Chambers event Business Growth Workshop

Business Growth Workshop

Business Growth Workshops support scaling businesses and share best practices by providing hands-on time with subject matter experts. Topics and speakers are curated to give business leaders access to experts and create a support system of businesses in similar stages.

Register today and be part of the conversation!

Talent & Inclusion Workshop

Grand Rapids Chamber Diversity & Talent Workshop

The Talent & Inclusion Webinar will address various talent needs of the West Michigan business community. The series will also focus on the different ways to attract and retain top talent and include best practices in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

Talent & Inclusion Workshop

Grand Rapids Chamber Diversity & Talent Workshop

The Talent & Inclusion Webinar will address various talent needs of the West Michigan business community. The series will also focus on the different ways to attract and retain top talent and include best practices in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.